Family Development

For any media inquiries, please contact Altheron Payne Sr.
Email: Happynest1@yahoo.com
Phone Number (325) 617-2329
Statistics and government information on the family do not tell the whole story of what is going on in communities throughout our nation. What are the facts?One fact is this. Statistics do not solve the crisis. Another fact is this. Making people aware of the crisis is not a solution. Fact three, there is a solution to the crisis of families. Check out my work. It has been written and developed to be proactive.
There is a fundamental idea that has formulated that the government holds the answer to the home and family crisis. It is believed, federal funds need to be allocated to communites, schools and social programs to combat the present family crisis. Most people today do not realize that it was the government's hand that had a great deal in the destruction of the family. Let's try a new approach.
America has become a reactive problem acknowledger rather than a proactive problem solver. I've learned that an ounce of prevention is much less costly than a pound of cure, which is precisely what is going on today. Costly amounts of tax money is being spent trying to tackle the family crisis. There is a proactive solution. Let's get back to teaching and learning what it takes to build a functioning family.

Altheron is currently the minister of the Lillie St. Church of Christ where he has preached for 39 years. Also he is an author, writer, illustrator, visioneer, born in 1957, in Corsicana, Texas. He is the eldest brother of 7 siblings. He spent his early childhood years in Dallas Texas. He spent his teenage years in Mount Pleasant Tex. His life dream has been to make a difference in people's lives. This dream stems from the difficulties he experienced as a youth when his mother divorced his father. This was a dramatic change in his life that has given purpose in his ministry, God's Purpose for Families and the Jason book series teen studies.
His family moved from Mount Pleasant in 1975 where he attended Abilene High School for only one year, which was his senior year. He has a background in maintenance and electronics. In 1978 he started attending SouthWest Bible Institute in San Angelo, Texas to further his biblical education. There his thirst for more knowledge grew especially when he learned about Secular Humanism and its effect on Homes, family and marriage in America. He also has been trained in Sound Doctrine principles of the Bible through Dr. Anthony Roach and J. S. Winston. He is married to Lena with 3 children, Al Payne II, Collette and Lorena.

Happynest Family Studies were developed for the sole purpose of restoring what has been taken out of the traditional family structure by the interference of social engineering to redefine the family. This interferance which began about 50 years ago has left today's struggling individuals searching or confused on how to build a successful family. The social engineering was suppose to develop a free, fun loving, healthy utopian lifestyle by eliminating the bibical, devine template of God for men, women and children, which develops the heart, mind and soul. What has happened is the total breakdown of the family structure. Our nation is overwhelmed with social programs brought on by this interference. Each program is trying to fix the family crisis brought on by man's attempt to remake something that was working well. Family violence and abuse is one of those crisis. Social Welfare is one of the crisis. Happynest Family Studies has come to the front with proactive solutions to address these crisis.Hsa sme. It's easy.
For any inquiries, please contact Altheron Payne Sr.
Email: Happynest1@yahoo.com
Phone Number (325) 617-2329